Generator, Character, Player, Twilight: 2000
This generator produces a randomized starting player character for Twilight: 2000 v2.2. Skill sets, backgrounds, and equipment are generally intended to be plausible within the game world's context. However, randomization, imperfect text parsing, and reuse of code and tables from my other generators may produce some eccentric results.
If you just want the kit generator (no PC), you can find it here. If you arrived here from a direct link and want my other Twilight: 2000 resources, this is the place. And if you're getting value from this free resource and would like to support my work, please consider purchasing a copy of The Pacific Northwest or Tara Romaneasca.
Developer's Notes
This generator produces PCs with roughly 36 attribute points and 55 points of skills, broken down as follows:
- background: 30 attribute points (base 3 to 6 for each), 15 skill points (12 from general concept, 3 in a single skill from random hobby)
- combat role: 3 attribute points, 20 skill points
- noncombat role: 3 attribute points, 20 skill points
Further low-probability randomization may increase or decrease any non-zero skill by 1, to a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10. This is slightly more than a ruthlessly-optimized four-term character in v2.2, but my play experience suggests this is an acceptable level of broad competence without being overpowered. Also, you're getting what you're paying for...
The vast majority of weapons are drawn from published v2 sources: Infantry Weapons of the World, Heavy Weapons Handbook, Challenge magazine articles, and a few v2.0/2.2 sourcebooks. A few unpublished weapons were necessary for national tables. These are represented with parenthetical references to the nearest published equivalent. This generator assumes the user is capable of utilizing Paul Mulcahy's resources or Wikipedia for descriptions and background.
Name pools for some nationalities are rather shallow at present. For a more robust character name generator, try Behind the Name (my preference) or Seventh Sanctum.
By default, random nationality is weighted toward those which would reasonably appear in Poland circa 2000, and random combat role is weighted toward those most common in infantry platoons. Selecting the "random, unweighted" option for either of these factors will turn off the weighting.
All ranks are given as US Army ranks, even if the character background indicates another nationality or branch of service. This is a limitation of my willingness to spend a day coding the text parsing around such a fringe issue.
What do the settings do?
Nationality: Affects weapon tables, languages, clothing origin, and possible types of body armor and snivel/sustainment gear.
Combat Role: Could be labeled "combat style." This drives the history narrative and the character's combat/active skill point allocation. Determines which tables are used to roll weapons.
Noncombat Role: Drives the history narrative and the character's noncombat/support skill point allocation. Also determines which tables are used to roll medical equipment and mission gear.
Campaign Starting Season: Affects the seasonality/weight and camouflage patterns of the character's attire. Has a low-percentage chance to affect the types of mobility gear the character receives.
Character Gender: Sets appropriate pronouns in the history narrative.
Gratification: Enables or disables the retro loading sequence.
Nationality | |
Combat Role | |
Noncombat Role | |
Campaign Starting Season | |
Character Gender | |
Gratification | |
-- character will be generated here --